Day 1

  • Author ChrissyD
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi all,

I started my 30 day cycle today, I weigh 70 at the age of 20. My family motivated me to go on Duromine due to me being the biggest of them all as my two sisters and mum are in the 50's and them being older then me.

I started gaining weight when I started working at my current job in 2015 probably due to stress, when I started working here I weighed 58 and I am hoping to get back on track and feel confident in my own skin again. I am not a very tall person so being shot and chubby is not the best look. I have tried everything to loose weight and am limited to exercising due to my knee problems.

I took the pill early this morning and have not experienced any side affects other then being thirsty. I hope it is going to help me, I read through the comments and see that most have had some good results.

My sister will be developing me a meal plan and gym routine so I don't gain the weight back on after my cycle.

Fingers crossed it helps :)


Hello Chrissy! What a great day to begin life changes! Congratulations on this important decision in your life and may your cheerleading group be as supportive as possible! I hope your sisters and your mother will provide you with all their secrets on how they manage to stay slim. =))

I wish you a wonderful journey! And I hope your job will not affect it anyhow. If it is still very stressful. Try to find some time to practice a couple of relaxing techniques, just to relieve the tension. Breathing and stretching exercises can help you cope with the pressure and bring your nervous system in order, so that you can lose weight to the maximum.

You will get there in no time, and since you already have a dry mouth, increase your water intake. I am sure you already read a couple of thousands of times here while reading the comments, but I simply must mention water =))

Best of luck, and try to update as often as you can. It’s a great aid to track your actions, results and keep yourself under control.
Hi April,

Thank you for the support and advice will definitely look into some techniques, I will keep everyone posted on how it goes.
I have been drinking a lot of water as I am dying of thirst. Other then that I feel 100% and very motivated.


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