Day 1:

  • Author hsd123
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
today is my first day in duromine, I set my alarm for 4:30am and woke up to take it. I then went back to sleep and slept in until 8:30. I haven't felt any increase in energy, but feel that may be because I am fighting a bad cold and bronchitis at the moment. Today I had a smoothie for breakfast with banna, ice and milk. For lunch I had a cup of coffee and for dinner I am having a curry that my dad is making. I haven't had much to eat, due to my bronchitis it is hard for me to swallow solids. Tommorrow I am hoping to eat more and to do a workout, however today I have just been to under the weather. I havnt weighed myself yet but will do so at the gym tommorrow and see if it has changed from my doctors weighing me yesterday.


Hey hsd! Are you sure it’s the best time to start Duromine, when you are so sick? Poor you… and going to the gym tomorrow… make sure you drink enough and try to consume more protein foods, since they help our body to get over cold and flus a bit easier and faster. Keep strong and please take care. Cold can make you dizzy, and Duromine is also capable of that. Hope, you’re not planning to drive a car to the gym and back…

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  • H
    Day 1 :15mg
    hey! 20 years old. i am starting on duromine tomorrow and i only got my prescription this...

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