Day 1

  • Author Need to lose 20Kg
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Started my Duromine 15mg today @ 7 in the morning . Now is almost 11 in the night in Sydney. Did not feel anything at all. Still eat as usual, no side effects so far.
Start weight 80kg
Goal 60kg
I am not a skinny girl anyway, just want go back to the weight I was before I had my two beautiful babies.


Hey! Welcome to the forum!
Duromine might need a couple of days (up to 10) to kick in. Or the dosage might be too small for you. Let's cross our fingers and hope that you get only appetite suppression and very soon =)) no side effects and let those kilos melt for good. Cheers
I think the dose is too small for me.Cos inhave tried so my off counter diet pills. Might have build up a big resistance by now. I will just give it few more days. If still nothing, then I will visit my GP a bit early.
hey, your story sounds like mine, same weight and same goal.... im onto day 6 of 15mg..... i have side effects but not the "buzzing" that everyone talks about. Ive had duromine before and found that the best results ive had was by starting on the 15mg and going up rather than start on 30mg, because the 30mg is too strong to start off on for me and i cant fight through the side effects, but i am worried that this time around the 15mg isnt quite enough.
how are you finding it now?
Hey! How is it going? Did Duromine kick in?

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Need to lose 20Kg
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1 min read
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