Day 10 - My little habit & Science!!

  • Author Rob84
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Well its day 10 already! Yesterday was a pretty active 'all over the show' day, I did feel a few periods of dry mouth, which I don't have a problem with as it prompts me to drink water, just thought id record the symptom.
I slept like a log again and when the alarm went off I didn't wana get outa bed haha, but as soon as my feet touched the floor I was up n going.

I've started a habit, which Ive been rolling with for the most part of my 10 days AND its very simple, I write down on a little note book my calorie intake with everything that touches my lips , I also log the ruff amount Ive drank too.

Im keeping to a calorie buffer of 1200-1600ish. I've checked a lot of sites regard my BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) ie: the amount of calories needed to keep/maintain your body (Science!!), also the amount needed to loose weight.

The average over the handful of sites check is around 2500 cals to maintain my weight, then 2200 to loose .7 kgs a week. I found those numbers felt way high, I tried super low in the first couple days which wasn't recommended so now Im' trying my band of 1200 - 1600ish, active days my intake is higher (naturally) non-active days lower, n I think its working ok so far, if I find myself getting more tiered, ill push the band up a bit, 1400 - 1800 kinder thing.

thanks guys, (sorry for the novel)
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The novel is lovely! Again, more intelligent things that keep making your approach even more serious – bravo! The habit that you started is PERFECT! Damn, it’s so difficult to make people do it, and you are doing it out of your own incentive. Hats off!!!
Thanks April, thought id just document everything im doing, as it might help someone else who is trying.
Well done thats great.. happy 4 u!

Im struggling to find a calorie counter...
Would anyone know what my breakfast calorie intake is from my ingredient list below?

1/2 cup rolled oats
Hand full of blueberries approx (10-14)
1 table spoon of Chia seeds
1/2 cup water
1 scoop of chocolate protein powder (brand-gold standard)

I have this everyday and ive been guessing my calories for my meals... my meals sizes are so much smaller so im thinking that ill be ok but i need to start checking the meals now ...

You have inspired me Rob to properly count them.. for a better reading.

Can anyone recomend anl quick easy to use calorie counter?
MyFitnessPal seems to be one of the best calorie calculators out there
Thanks April... but u need to sign up im pretty sure.. and document each day.... ive been looking for just a simple calorie counter... sorta thing... i might have to end up signing up to myfitnesspal
I just use Google and make little notes on things in my work roster diary haha!
I found too I just started to Google random things that I used to eat all the time!
I've had one glass of wine since starting on the forum, but I never knew on average, standard glass of red has 120 cals in it! My personal fav (and lowest cal count!! YAY) Wild Turkey American Honey, at 60cals per shot... I may have to partake in one or two after my first month results in celebration!

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