Day 11 - First lil run.

  • Author Rob84
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Yesterday was good gym wise, had a good weights sesh in the morning for 30 mins, then in the afternoon did 25 mins on the rowing machine, had a good dinner and yeah slept well.

This morning before shift, Got my ass outa bed and got on the treadmill, cracked out 3 kms in 30 mins, not earth shattering i know, i interval'ed it up and got my run/walk on.... and it felt good!

Back is holding up well, feeling good.

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Hey rob thats sooo good. Moving the body is all round soo good for not just your weight but mental health aswell... i struggle to get to the gym.
I have had months of going crazy at the gym going 5-7 days a week and you know what...? ... i hate it now... ive gone off it...
Well im over flogging it.... i used to really push myself thinking that it has to be doing my body better and it wasnt.
I lifted weights, did back to back cardio classes and i just dont have the same energy now... plus its not normal... i stopped going and relised maintaining a healthy weight or loosing weight isnt done in the gym at all.
Its 80% food. 20% exercise.
For me anyway.
Im much better mentally when i know i dont have to go to gym EVERYNIGHT!
2-3 time a week 30 mins or 45... brisk walking... an easy cycle... stretching.... a few squats/lundges.. is all i have been doing... i feel better not pushing myself at the gym and im working on myself to not feel guilty for "not going"
I have a pretty active job.. which helps but i think its great that you are taking it step by step /day by day and doing whats best for u and what u can keep up ... once off duromine too.

Well done.
Thanks for your insight Emily! Yeah I'm lucky where I have the ability to do some training at work, so now I try 'when I can' to take it, make it routine, make it a park of 'work', but yeah when I'm not 'working' working I don't want to be slaving in a gym 24/7 also, AND same here, I've done those slave seshs (in the past) where your grind yourself for hours and nothing really comes from it apart from injuries, so I'm happy with getting my lil 20-30 mins in possibly twice when on shift, diet is the massive one! I cant believe how many calories I was eating AND not doing anything physical at the same time! Looking back I'm surprised I wasn't bigger!
I know right?! Ive always been an emotional eater...
I eat when im happy, when im sad, when im stressed and when im excited... on duromine i feel that i can control my decisions alot more. Trying to break habbits....

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