Day 12 - Rest day.

  • Author Rob84
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi there guys, My hips where a bit sore this morning as a result of my little run yesterday, and being that I've had a few days in a row of training, Today will be a rest day.
Plenty of water, fruit, maybe a recovery drink (50 cals)

Had a bowl of 'just right' with hilo milk, that sits around the 290 cals, which is cool as I find it very filling and substantial for breaky and it sits well in my caloric band. And I confess Ive have been sneaking a scales check here n there and Im still loosing! My next weigh in is SUNDAY!! However I do have my first REAL test TOMORROW..
A family function my wife and I are hosting at our place (20+ people) ... French Onion Dip is like my crack cocaine man! (haha) Self control and will power will be needed! I'm pretty confident ill be fine, my plan is to 'sample' haha and possibly have a sneeky glass of red wine.

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Hey Rob! Have a lovely evening with your friends! Hopefully, even if you add up to your caloric daily value today, your body will consider it calories alternation and you will lose even more (it is quite possible). Love your idea of ‘sampling’. =) If you want to reduce the “harmfulness” of the French Onion Dip, dip vegetables in it. It will still be delicious and will provide some health benefits at the same time. =)

Very happy for your further weight loss and wish you an amazing weekend! Looking forward to your second weigh in. cheers!

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