Day 2 (-1.4kg)

  • Author Sk1nnyoneday
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Oh hallelujah, I lost something! Wonderfully unexpected!

Today was tough. I slept terribly. Laid in bed for hours and hours and couldn't drift off just like yesterday. By the time I do fall asleep my alarm goes off. I was okay in the morning but felt awful in the afternoon. Hoping things get better.

On the upside Duromine has made me so disinterested in eating. I can only handle small amounts at a time. Took me an hour to finish a cereal bar, just like yesterday.

Today's calories: 1040

Today's exercise: 0 (rest day)
Start weight: 66.6kg
Current weight: 65.2kg


Sorry about the insomnia. If persists, ask a pharmacist for a sleeping aid that does not interact with Duromine. We have some tips to fight insomnia, as well.

Calories are a bit too low.. just like the exercises =)) heeey, I know that you were tired. Try to find some 7-10 minutes during the period when you feel ok and exercise then.

And, of course, CONGRATS on the first weight loss!
Hi there Sk1nnyoneday! My personal experience, the evenings ive had a hard time sleeping was in the start where my activity was low / next to zero, as soon as i got into anything really, walking, weights, swimming, treadmill walking while watching a movie, anything over 30 mins, sleep got better and better..

Then it sort of compounds, the more active i got/get, the more i wanted to do/do, the better the sleep got/gets.

Every couple of days I have my REST days, I still sleep well as I'm sort of in a 'catch up' kinder thing.

Hope that helps,

Hey @Rob84 @April. Yeah, I should’ve mentioned it was my rest day. I’ve been exercising regularly for years (long time Billy Blanks tae bo fan). I’m currently enjoying Leslie Sansone’s 3 mile aerobic videos on YouTube if anyone’s interested

I agree, I couldn’t hit my 1200 calorie goal as I was grossly ill. Still adjusting to true hunger without an appetite.

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