Day 2

  • Author MotivatedJ
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
I had one of those sleeps last night where you dont know if you were awake for ages or if you were just dreaming you were awake haha. Either way I woke up at 6 feeling pretty ordinary, but managed to sneak a few power naps in before getting up at 9 (I have just finished uni for the year, so making the most of being able to sleep in!). I did have a slight headache before I went to bed, so I took 2 panadol as those small headaches have a tendency to turn to migraines for me.

I had a swisse shake for breakfast, fruit salad at around 3 and then just a plate of cold veggies for tea.
I went for an hour walk/run, however could only run about 1.5k as my asthma kicked in for the first time in a long time. Not sure if that is a side effect or if it had something to do with the heat.
Drank close to 2L of water again today, mouth didnt seem as dry as day 1.
Was still a little hungry towards the end of the day though, so still crossing my fingers this improves during the week, not that keen to go up to the 40mg.

I havent weighed myself since I was at the doctors on friday, and will try not to untill friday this week.
Hopefully a big fat loss will show up on the screen! That is the only fat im permitting in my life at the moment! haha.

Hope all is well for everyone else :)


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