Day 32- First Day at the MEGA gym! Holidays Starting

  • Author Rob84
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So the other day I signed up to this huge gym, machines and weights everywhere! I get three free personal training sessions which ill use soon! I went in and had an awesome time and really pushed myself.
Tonight I fly out for a 10 day holiday over to Victoria to catch up with friends and family, there are alot of parties planned, so im going to have to try my best to minimise the damage LOL. I intend to pretty much Shake it for breakfasts, fruit / shakes for lunch, then do my best for the dinners and drinks. If i can hit up a couple gyms while there ill be stoked!

So this morning i was 100.2kgs for fingers crossed, I wont be too bad in 10 days time!

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Good on you, Rob! The gym sounds marvelous! And that holiday of yours will surely be a great time. I see you already have a plan on maintaining the results as good as it is possible under the conditions. Here are some tips, as well, for vacation craze. =)

Enjoy your vacation and don’t forget that Duromine should not be taken if you consume alcohol
ok cools, ive had one or two wines / lite spirits while on duro without any sort of issues, however both weekends im away are 'boys bbqs / catch ups'' so ill steer clear of the duro for the weekends, as the consumption will be high! :)
I did a big health kick about a year ago and did reached 95 kgs and i gota tell ya its nice to be jumping back into all those shirts and pants!!

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