Day 34 - On the tools.

  • Author Rob84
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Woke early this morning, I dont think it was because of the Duro, but my time clock being a lil off from the 3hr difference from my melb trip, On the tools today on a steel frame job, which was good to be out in the sun!
Good food thus far today, shake for breaky, apples and yogurt for lunch, cheese and crackers for afternoon tea.
Heaps of water and yeah, No gym today as i worked, but tomorrow ill get back in there and go!
I had a little run yesterday on the treadmill which i always get a little bit nervous about the aftermath from it, but today even working, up and down ladders etc, my back is feeling fine! So ill try and up the lil jogs to runs over time. More focusing on weights atm, to build strength and muscle to help me burn more fat haha, FAT IS THE ENEMY! lol. hope your all well!



Gosh, I love it that you’re back! So much LIFE in all of your posts! You’re going really well! I am sure that the scales will show a good result. However, I am pretty sure that this month you are not that focused on scales, as you are on the body volumes and content. You are so right. Bring on the muscles!

Glad that your back felt ok after the jog. In fact, back is the weakest area in the majority of people. Therefore, it is important not to forget about working on improving your back muscles. It might hurt at the beginning, but as the muscles grow and provide better support for your spine, you start feeling a lot better. Besides, well-developed back and lower back muscles help solve the tummy issue (if you have any at all). =))

PS. Still counting the calories? Sure you eat enough?Hell
HAHA thanks April, yeah Im a naturally happy sorter bloke id say and loosing weight and getting to where i want to be physically is making me more so! and im trying to use that aswell to keep me honest and focused! I am keeping an eye on what is going in calorie wise, but not super down to the last digit.
I kinder know im around my band with my basic day to day diet, shakes for breaky, either fruit n yogurt, salad roll, protein bar + fruit, for lunch and now we are cooking vegetarian meals for dinner (for the misses) so i know im in my 1300 - 1500 ish band, but im not logging my daily numbers like i used to.
Im still going to weigh in weekly as before and i already know im nearing my weight i was before i left for melb! so yeah hoping to be under the 100 this weigh in!

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