Day 47, WOW that was fast & weigh in!

  • Author Rob84
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
WOW, I know I've been busy but dam! 7 days gone already!
Well this week has been a busy one, there has been PT seshs, lots of renovations work done, good food bad drinks, social engagements, steal frame work on site, sun burn, muscle burn haha a lot of muscle burn! My PT has been killing me!! haha,, ok's enough waffle, DAS NUMBERS!!

14 days ago: 101.8 kg's; 7 days ago: 99.85 kg's , Today (47): 98.25 KG'S definitely under the 100 (1.6 kgs loss)
33.2% - 32.5% - Body Fat - 31.9% (.6% loss)
34 Kg's - 32.5 Kg's - of Body Fat - 31.3 kg's (loss 1.2 kg's)
48.7% - 49.2% - Water - 49.7 kg's (.5% gain)
8.4% - 8.3% - Bone - 8.3 % (same same)

From the trend in numbers, I'm still losing body fat, weight and overall percentage and gaining muscle mass also, these are all good things! the numbers all going the right way!
Hope yall have been doing great! chat soon!
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Amazing work Rob! I can't wait to see my numbers steadily go down like yours! :)
Been away a little and come back to such great news! Rob, you’re a rock star! Definitely going super strong and super cool! CONGRATULATIONS on your success and an amazing loss in all the right numbers. =) Keep it up!
Ummm… where are you Rob? Is everything ok?
Yeah April, bit of a bad week results wise, kinder way over did it on the renovations front, did a couple PT seshs also, (when i should have rested) and yeah, just ate and drank all the wrong things coz i thought i could get away with it, but nope, lesson learnt, just coz your pumping out long work hours physically, doesnt mean you can eat what you want / or slacken on proper eating.. my bad..

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