Day 5 and 6

  • Author I need to do this!!!
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Day 5 !.!.!.!.!

Soo kind of uneventful yogurt for breakfast, tuna for lunch and chicken for dinner. 40 mins on the treadmill and 20 mins doing weights. I'm feeling pretty good although I had a slip up and had 2 ciders but Oh well you get that lol!

Day 6!.!.!

Porridge for breakfast, turkey 6inch subway for lunch and salmon and vegetables for dinner. I'm not doing any exercise today as I've hurt my shoulder- an old long term injury that flares up every now and then unfortunately.

I have every intention of going to the gym tomorrow morning before work and that will make my 4/7 days

First weigh tomorrow ... I'm actually scared that all this hard work won't reflect on the scale
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Sounds like everything is very dynamic and good. I see lots or proteins, and veggies, and good carbs. You’re doing really well! Sorry about that shoulder. Hopefully, you will have the possibility to workout through your lower part of the body at least.

And now… STOP worrying about the scales! Just don’t! The moment you put too much into the scales indicator, everything begins breaking down. You don’t need to concentrate on that too much. Discouraging yourself is the last thing that you need at the beginning of the way. Besides, scales are not the best thing to measure your weight loss success. Make measurements, take photos, choose a couple of clothes that don’t stretch and put them on once a week, to check if they fit differently.

Either way, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for a positive result on the scales tomorrow, as I really don’t want you to lose your motivation, so hope it shows a difference. But please, follow my advice and introduce other ways of measuring weight loss. Have a great weekend!

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I need to do this!!!
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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