Day 5 and going strong!

  • Author Onmyway
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Morning all,
Well - it is the morning of Day 5 and my difficulty sleeping looks like is starting to fade - I had the best night sleep since starting last Saturday. The next challenge to overcome is the constant 'scale check'. I can't believe how much weight I have already lost - a staggering 3.5kg!!! Although I am sure that a lot of this is water related, I definitely feel smaller too. I am now determined not to check the scales until next Wednesday, so will see how that goes :)

For anyone thinking of starting this program, although there are some scary reports and experiences that people have with side-affects, I can say that for me, this has been the best decision I have ever made regarding getting into good eating habits, kick starting my exercise regime (given the energy levels) and generally giving me an easier way to get motivated. It seems silly that I couldn't do this myself without the drug, but I am not beating myself up for that, instead focusing on the positives and making sure that I make the most of this wonderful opportunity.

Hope everyone else is going well and have a great day!! :)


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