Day 5 Duromine 40mg & Jenny craig

  • Author Want2beskinnyagain
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi all , so woke up this morning and weighed myself I'm at 99.2 so stoked about that ! I've been following Jenny craig and taking my duromine at 4am , sleep is heaps better these past 2 days , I am experiencing dry mouth with bad breath I drink so much water that I find myself in the toilet every 10 mins lol , any tips to solve the dry mouth problem ? I have been also using palmers butter cream on my tummy twice a day and that seems to be pulling my skin back into line :) going to do bike again today & mow the lawn plus household duties lol . Hope you all have a good day ..

19-06-2013 Starting weight :101.7kg
20-06-2013 100kg
21-06-2013 99.8kg
22-06-2013 99.4kg
23-06-2013 Current weight 99.2kg
Goal Weight :55kg-65kg ( my recommended healthy weight range )


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