Day 5 duromine

  • Author RaspberryJade
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Day 5 i didnt take 2 pills becos my dog woke me up at 4am she had a fight with a cat and the cat won scratched her eye so rushed her to the vet at 0800 million dollars later pills and eye drops shes gonna be ok but he sed it was a pretty bad scratch.
so i didnt want to have heaps of energy if i had to sit around n look after my dog henz why i didnt take 2 pills.
diet today has been very good no cheating altho we are having a party tonight and im soo not keen i feel down fat and really want to have a few to many drinks BUT the chocolate i had yesterday epic fail it went right through me!!! spent the night on the toilet ...ahh
I want duromine to take away my cravings like i was told it would! i feel like i can do a diet more then 30mins activity a day but the cravings kill me!
i re looked at my diet and i need more iron so ive added 2 extra almonds beetroot spinach and am thinking about having 4weetbix for breakfast and a whole cup of light soy milk that would bring my iron for breakfast to 6g instead of 3 BUT it would bring my fats up (altho soy is good fat) and would be 740kj instead or 645kj hmmmm... pondering STILL wont stop the cravings
cant wait to see what happens tonight will i eat wot i shouldnt will i drink when not even one drink should touch my lips..
ahhhhh wish i didnt feel so tired makes me feel weak n give me an excuse....


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