day 5 on 30mg

  • Author can't wait to start
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I gave in and weighed myself today really upset at myself because even though I'm wrapped that I have lost 3 kgs if I gain instead of lose till weigh in I will be disappointed. I must make sure I keep eating well!


Thanks. I'm excited about 3kgs! Tomorrow is weigh in I'm feeling nervous!
Don't be nervous, just be proud of your achievements no matter how big or small. I keep telling myself that this is a forever change and not a quick fix.

Every day that I eat well and exercise I feel is another day I'm in control of my weight loss journey. I've got about 40kg to lose and I'm 5kg down.

Try not to weigh yourself more than once a week as I've discovered we fluctuate so much during the week that it can mess with your head and rock your confidence xx
Good luck ...dont give up no matter how small the kilos may seem..eventually you will get there:)

Blog entry information

can't wait to start
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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