day 5

  • Author byronsmummy27
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
hey guys so here i am end of day 5 and still feeling good about my journey so far. had a moment today where i saw some rice crackers in my work office and thought 'mmmm i could eat those...and their low in calories' then i thought to myself AM I HUNGRY?? and realized that i wasnt hungry... AT ALL so i walked back down stairs and forgot about it, after coming home i realized that is what i had been doing for the last few years; seeing food, thinking mmm yummy and then just eating it. without even considering if my body needed it or not! glad iam realizing these few habits that i had as now with the help of duromine i can learn to change them.
i was also naughty today and weighed myself before the end of the week... i have lost 5kg. i am excited but dont want to get to happy because i know that the first of weightloss you do tend to lose big numbers.
anyways thanks for reading everyone


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