Day 5 :)

  • Author Mum86
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Today I still had no side effects :) winning!!
I went grocery shopping today stocked the pantry and fridge with nothing but wholesome organic foods and actually made the kids fruit kebabs using celery as the stick and they were a hit!! Winning again!!
I ate a bit more than I usually have this past week I had my shake for breakfast had half a fillet of fish and a very small serve of salad with it as that's all I could eat also had half a can of coke zero ( because we were in town for the day shopping ) so got takeout.. For dinner I made prawn po'boys 322 calorie meal and the family LOVED IT!!
Winning once again!!! :)

So I had my weigh in this morning I started this journey obese class 3!
Am now down to obese class 1
BMI Is now.. 33.9..
Total weight lost 12.1kgs
Starting weight - 110kgs
Today's weight - 97.9kgs

What can I say today is just a day for WINNING!!!


Half way to my mini goal very happy


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