day 5

  • Author mummajessjess
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
ok so another day down
again I had my pill a little later in the morning around 9-9:30...I find it helps with the night munchies. Although to be honest I still feel hungry, I get a sort of queasy tummy and a little vague in the afternoon but besides that nothing to major with the side effects-prob drinking a little more water which is good.

I have been really thinking about life after duromine and im really trying to change the way I view food and how I have abused it in the past, I want to change those habits now so I can continue to live that way...not just for the near future but forever.
im yet to do any major exercise which is weird because that's the one area I usually do ok, I haven't had much motivation for it this week but have decided that by the weekend I am going to start my daily walk and a bit of cardio as well...

I cant help but fantasize about being down 10kgs or 20 kgs and just want it to happen so badly-I want to wear nice clothes. Hopefully by the time Christmas rolls around ill be in my size 16's at the very least:/

well until tomorrow


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