Day 6 - have a question re missing a tablet so I can sleep better?

  • Author Onmyway
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Morning all,
It is day six and still going well although the sleep is still an issue. I woke up at 4am and took my tablet at that time, so I am hoping that it will be truly out of my system by tonight. The weird thing is that I am not tired in the day - although normally I need a solid 8-9 hours to feel good.

I was thinking that if I do not have a good nights sleep tonight, I might miss my tablet tomorrow so I can definitely sleep on Friday night - does anyone have any experience with this and would this be a good idea, or should I just plow on. I must say, I am getting a lot work done as I started around 4.30am this morning! :) Any suggestions or experiences welcome! Thanks and have a good day :)
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