Day 6 Hit and Miss

  • Author RaspberryJade
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
recap of yesterday.. yes had the party many chips, dips, bbq stuff boozes and im proud to say i didnt have anything i stuck to the diet! happy about that but for some reason about 730pm i felt dizzy throught maybe blood sugar was low so i had 2 weetbix w/ light soy milk i come good pretty quickly after that. only did 30mins on the tred i could have done more but i was so tired no excuse tho.

still feel as tho duromine 15mg isnt doing anything for me maybe the opposite tired all the time still having cravings...
when ever i go on a diet i normally lose 3kg in the first week and thats with no diet pills and looks like thats what first week on duromine 15mg is going to do as well and its been a fight just to stay awake (ive always been a good sleeper i get 7 - 8hrs sleep and im still getting that)

SO heres what im going to do 2day i took a nodose and will have an energy drink with lunch just to kick my energy back and feel normal, stick to the diet today 2MORO take 2 duromine 15mg making my dose 30mg hoping that will work if it makes me even more tired then 15mg i dunno figure that out then.

DIET i know mines not perfect and imreally trying to teach myself about carbs fats iron protein all the stuff on the label that we dont really look at its def a huge education (im useing allan borusheks calorie and fat counter book) for me im working with kj i new what one meal should be in kj but never did i look at all the other factor and its SO important.
having less then 15 natural fats and less then 1 sat fats (the bad ones)
protein between 23-30 a day
im low in iron trying to eat enough of it need to have more but im finding it really hard not including the veg i have 3.8 rion but on that im eating broc spinach green beans (will start peas today) and im having one orange a day vit C is important it helps absorb iron as well as tomatos.
because im vego i dont get it from meat and i cant have most tofu (due to allergies) and theres only so much lentils u can eat ??? maybe ill have to look into an iron supplerment but i really really dont want to take another pill a day! will need to fine vego friends to learn from them.
the only animal product im having is egg whites if i give that up i could go vegan but i really like eggs so...
anyway will continue on my path to fine the perfect diet for me its all about hit and miss!


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