Day 6 on 30mg ...

  • Author Holly92
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi, Holly here.

I am feeling very depressed at the moment and feel like I have made no progress. And to top it off, I am shit scared to step on the scales for fear of the number!! The mind is a powerful thing that's for sure.

CW: 95kg
Height: 174cm
Loss: not sure, don't want to check :(

I have been at the gym each day since I started duromine doing treadmill and HIIT classes for an hour each. Also eating no carbs, sugar or milk. Having a lot of fruit and vegetables throughout the day and a light dinner. Taking my supplements as told by my doc. I saw myself in the mirror tonight at the gym and immediately felt disgusted. I am mostly afraid that my success won't be as noticeable as other people's... I think I am just having one of those days :( also don't feel like I have lost any weight at all and I haven't dared to try in my skinny jeans.

Sorry about the long post, I needed to get it off my chest. Any suggestions are welcomed!!

Holly xx
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hi holly I have been on duromine 30 for a month and where it helped with my craving for bad bad food it did not help my hunger I still ate a lot and to be honest I didn't exercise and I was so depressed cos when I went on the scales at home I lost 1 kilo in a month so when I went to the doctors today I was so upset but when I got on his scale I had lost 5 kilos and that was the original scale I first went on so only stick to one scale for gods sake I lost it when I saw I only lost a kilo that morning I was crying anyway I asked the doc for the 40 mg and started them today and to be honest still hungry but I did exercise today only 20 minutes but will start exercising everyday I really hope to lose more weight this month around but you should be so proud of yourself for eating so well and exercising . I am becoming so obsessed now I wish I had no hunger like some people do and when I hear that some people lose 1 kilo a day I get so upset why I cant but we are all different I guess but at least I have no side affects from the drug except very moody and want to rip peoples heads off lol im sorry I cant give any suggestions except keep up the great work
Tania J
I do not lose anything some weeks, but do lose a few cm''s. Remember to take measurements as well. And Holly, you train a lot. Muscle weighs more than fat so take your measurements! I think the big loss some people have the first week or so is mostly water. Do not compare yourselves. I have been on D on and off for about 18 months. Lost 18kg so far. Going slow for me as well, but at least I am getting there. Just hang on, you seem to be both on the right track.
Thank you for your kind words. I will take some measurements tonight and check back in two weeks time. Good luck to you both.

Holly xx
Hi Holly

I'm quite curious and cant wait for your update.

I'm at day 5 today on duromine 30mg and feeling just as scared and dreading day 7. Thought of changing my weigh in's to once a month to avoid possible disappointment!

Best of luck
Hi Holly exercise more you will feel and see the difference you dont even have to go to gym just move around...i have an indoor cycling machine at home i exercise 3 times a day for an hour and do sit ups for the tummy...i started at 63kg and i have lost 2kg in 3days today is actually day 3

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