Day 6!!

  • Author chrissykay23
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
The day Has started well!! :)

- No Symptoms or side effects!
- Slept for 61/2 hours!! longer then i have been for the last few nights! but i woke up feeling exhausted.. i soon got over that!
- Had a horrible afternoon with chest pain and tightness/ breathless going home from work.. it was really uncomfortable and there was nothing i could do but just breath slowly and relax.. but beside that it soon went away.
- For the first time ever though i was exhausted by 7pm!! i was ready for bed and hit the pillow!! but instead i had to wait for 10:30 when i got home! it was the weirdest thing because it was almost like i had trained for hours or iv had a big day when i didn't! although i must tell you, i cleaned my house from top to bottom and i was so in control of what i was doing what was next and what i had to do and there was always something extra that i thought had to be done! i was lifting stuff, moving it around! i worked up a sweat!! i never thought that cleaning my house was going to be my workout for the day!! it was exhausting!! so maybe that's what knocked me out when i went to bed! because i don't even remember turning my light off! haha
- Cons of the day, i guess it was just the tightness of the chest and breathlessness... it was an uncomfortable feeling but nothing major.. and it only happened coming home from work...
- Pros of the day were i felt good about myself! i felt lighter and.. comfortable! yes COMFORTABLE!! Its the start of something new and i liked remembering how that felt and i don't want to let go of it again!

Tomorrow is going to be exciting and challenging for my weigh in! it will only push me to continue to get my goal! and its what iv wanted in a looonngg time!! YAY for Duromine and YAY for those stupid scales going down!! and final YAY for eating the right portion sizes and drinking water!!!


cant wait to see ur weekly weigh in
im starting my journey tomorrow
im still a bit nervous
but ur last 6 days are making me excited to begin
@mandy29 you'll be ok! just remember why you wanted to do it and make that your motivation! sure you'll get the side effects but dont let it get to your head and make you quit! for me so far iv had my ups and downs but its been worth the push! thanks mandy!!

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2 min read
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