day 6

  • Author dreamer
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Well no headache this morning. Im definitely eating less at meals but so hungry inbetween and when it comes to meal times .Im surprised i eat what i do its nearly day 7 and feel like im smaller but thescales havnt moved much.Im going to have vegy soup today. I finding this hard my son is home and he wants a big meal meat veg i always put on weight when he is here . So far this week all ive done is loose the 2kg i put on for him being here 2 weeks omg.why do i find the need to feed him well im mum and i like to.Plus omg the mess in the kitchen if he goes in there you wouldnt believe.On the other hand if i can find a way of learning to adjust my eating and cook and loose weight then this is going to be sustainable. Which is good.


Hahah, love it - don't let that messy son of yours near the kitchen! ;)
Is there something that you could snack on between meals? I keep a container of almonds on my desk at work, and I always have a very good quality protein bar in my bag and desk drawer in case I get very hungry late in the afternoon. I work out of an evening, though, so this seems to work for me. I'm sure you'll find something that suits you.
And if you FEEL better, then that's what counts. Keep it up, Dreamer, you're doing great!
Thanks for that .its 14days tomorrow looking forward to getting on the scales i can get my jeans pn so good start.

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