Day 6

  • Author brooke
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
SO I have been doing well.
I could exercise a little more but been so busy with four kids .
three kiddies under three and a 8 yr old..

By time I wake up dress the kids make beds and breakfast get ready my self im then having to walk ten minutes to bus stop to then bus my son to school

when we arrive back It 10am I then make mornig tea prep tea and clean up

make lunch clean up again
get on the bus again get my son and home at 4pm this stage I wash clothes and dinner is put on..

serve tea wash up put kiddies to bed and then I have a shower do my school work

I think on a average I am getting 10minx 4 minute blocks of walking a day

I am quite exhausted I dont have family to help or that can baby sit and hubby is busy with his work ect..

this seems to be my routine..
I will be planning to exercise little more on week ends but usually I like to go the park with kids

im 24 and have been a young mother and juggling three diplomas good news I graduate this year then im off to uni :)

I have no side effects im on 15mg have 60kg to loose and I am doing well

would love to hear from other mums


Hi Brooke, I am too a mum to 2 beautiful girls and have recently started Duromine 30mg. I too have little time to exercise as i also work full time and my husband works shift work so this means alot of things fall back on me to complete. have let myself go after having my youngest daughter 2 years ago and have decided it's now time to focus on my health so that I am healthy for my children.
I have a goal to lose 25kgs.(starting weight of 89kg's which to a lot of people doesn't seem much but I am only 165cm tall)
I am in day 3 and have been suffering from Insomnia, night 1 I think I only managed about 3 hours sleep but woke up feeling quiet energised. Last night (day 2) was also a terrible sleep and I am feeling a little fatigued. Apart from that the only other symptoms I have suffered is a dry mouth, I can handle that though as it encourages me to drink more water which I am normally terrible at doing.;)
Would love to stay in contact and see how your journey goes.

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