Day 6

  • Author Vix
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
well survived the first day of the weekend with hubby home lol.
No junk food so that's good
Again no side affects, yay but felt a bit hungry.
Had a bit of a lazy day and did nothing much apart from take my girls out to the shops!!

Breakfast: nothing
Lunch: custard and oat bran
Dinner: tomato soup and three pieces of mixed grain bread
Snack: 20 Samaya crackers

Loss: only 100grams but I'll have that :)
Total: 2.8kgs
Thinking next week I might try weighing myself only once or twice a week


OMG... how will you survive once a week weigh in.. lol I had tomato soup and toast for dinner too.. well.. some.. most went down the sink and i just ate the toast.
Lol I know!! I'm too bloody nosy for my own good with my weight haaaa
I'm really surprised I can still eat with Duromine!
not getting this over full feeling, but not going to the chocolate either which is great xxxx
I feel exactly the same.. had to step up to the 40mg though.. Day 6 for you is my day 31... tick, tick, tick.... dont you just wish there was a crystal ball to show the result after the duromine duration... I suppose the crystal ball... we are each making our own - one sweet layer at a time... make it well and the image reflected back will be amazing.... make it carelessly and the reflection wont be near as pleasant...

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