Day 6

  • Author Elle
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
OK, morning of Day 6.

Yesterday went quite well. I had a crumpet for breakfast, was to busy at work that I didn't stop for lunch and didn't even think about lunch. I did have some dinner but I didn't eat too much and I felt really full, so this is good !!

I still have a tight headachy feeling :( which is now just getting more annoying than anything else (but not enough to make me want to stop taking Duromine).

Up until last night I wasn't having a dry mouth but that seems to have now started.

I think I have been lucky really so far with the side effects, nothing too bad, which is great. I have had headaches, I felt naseous on the second day and no the dry mouth.

Lets just hope it keeps going this way !! I'm just loving the thought that I am finally loosing weight !! :laughing:



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