Day 6 !

  • Author Dani7
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So , nearly at weigh in day ! I so hope ive done ok . I had a slightly restless night last night but managed enough sleep i think so i feel ok today :) My only other complaint is still breathlessness. Im going to soldier on though . Although its not a nice feeling i am still getting by ok , i just feel like i have run around the block even while only sitting.
Went for a big walk with hubby and my son on his scooter yesterday along the esplanade. My eating is good and i have no cravings at all. I like to have a decent breakfast with this tablet so i have oats or quinoa flake porridge for brekki or some days 2 poached eggs, a green smoothie (yum !) for lunch and family meal for dinner but i dont have the carb bit like the kids do. I find i cant get through a whole serve anymore though so my portion size has dropped considerably. if i feel i need anything else. I dont have caffeine in the morning any more but i will have a coffee in the arvo maybe. Going out for dinner tonight as it is our anniversary ( yep all 4 kids are coming too ! lol ) and planning to make a good healthy choice and no wine !


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