Day 6

  • Author Food Junkie be gone
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Day 6-16/11/14
Starting weight: 102.9kg
6 days after starting:101.6kg

I am feeling really disappointed with the small amount of weight loss that I have had. I have been on a strict 1200 calorie per day diet and the results are not really promising. I was down to yesterday but today I have put on 500g, feel like I want to give up.

I feel a real lack of energy which is not how I should be feeling. I am sleeping well which is good. My appetite is suppressed but I am having bad headaches.


First of all try not to weigh every day.
It seriously messes with your head.
We are all guilty of doing this. Me included. But your weight can fluctuate by a kilo in a day depending on many factors, Time of month, a large meal, salty foods, water retention, exercise, bloating, constipation, and the list goes on....
A loss of almost two kilos (2.5 if you go by yesterday) is huge. I would love to have a week like that!
Daily weighing gives you a fraction of a kilo movement each time (up or down) not so impressive and downright depressing sometimes.
I am down to wring about twice a week. Mid week is just to see if I am on track or need to lift my game.
You are doing really well. You are too hard on yourself. Weight loss is a long term thing and you can only get good results if you stick to it and are not discouraged by the inevitable hiccups.
Hi yes don't weigh everyday it really does mess with your mind...drink plenty of water it helps with the headaches ...I know when I have a headache it is usual because I havent kept my fluids up.... And 1.8 kg loss is fantastic congrats..i picture 1 kg packs of sugar in my mind or 1kg tubs of butter lined up on my kitchen bench:p that I am no longer carrying around works for me keeps me motivated ;) remember every loss is one step closer to your finally goal :) and you can achieve anything you want ..welcome to the forum:)

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Food Junkie be gone
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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