Day 60 - Visit to the Doc - Back on track

  • Author Rob84
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi there guys! Well Im back to work and back on track, technically my weigh in is tomorrow, but i had my follow up appointment with the Doc today as it was my 2 month mark, at home i weighed in at my usual mid 98 kgs, which was where i left off and was happy to be back too with my week of watching myself.
The doc was very happy with my loss and change in body shape and overall health improvement.

He didn't prescribe me another month of Duromine, however I'm to touch base with him in another months time, Im guessing this is to see if I can control myself over the holiday season etc and/or also maintain my current loss, If i slip I believe he would then prescribe me the 3rd month of Duro, He checked my weight and on his scales i weighed in just under 97kgs!! which was cool, i usually weigh myself sans clothes and after my morning movement...LOL but this was after breaky and fully clothed LOL, Loven the Docs SCALES! haha

So with my 10 day trip away, and lil bout of the flu i had, Ive got about 10 tablets left, I haven't had one i a few days, and Im thinking of slowly using them up, like every second day kinder thing, not go cold turkey straight away kinder thing, but yeah, feeling good, got a PT sesh again today and yeah, 111.5kgs down to 97kgs ish, Ill weigh weigh myself tomorrow and see what my scales say! LOL come on 97 hahaha


All hail the doctor’s scales! =)) so much motivation in your post! And my huge appreciation of your willpower. Once again, you managed to take yourself in your hands and move forward, as you should. What a purposeful man you are, Rob! I am glad to hear that your body is going though so many beneficial changes! Here is to 97! Fingers crossed for the weigh in!

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