Day One & the Weekend

  • Author lesleyvg
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi fellow weight-fighters,

Well today was Day 1, I was quite freaked out reading everyone's (well mostly everyone's) negative side effects and was expecting much worse. In fact it went absolutely great, hope it continues this way though ;) I hope the Duromine is working despite having no side-effects as yet. And I hope I'll be getting some sleep tonight, as I see it's a common complaint amongst Duromine users. However, I am so exhausted I'm sure I'll dose right off.

I did drink loads of water (as I mostly do), so I think I combatted any lurking headaches. Ate healthily,4 small meals, got so busy I missed the 4 'o'clock one :( Tried cutting down on my coffee and managed to swop some coffee cups with green lemon tea. I must say my appetite has diminished slightly and I'm not as hungry as I'd usually be, but it's not like I'm nauseated at the sight or thought of food. My blood pressure measurement is the same as this morning, no changes there. So all good.

I did not manage to gym tonight as we're going away this weekend and I had to start packing and other preparations. So I guess this is a 3-day workout week, which is better than none at all.

Stressing a bit about this going-away weekend though... (1) I don't want any negative side-effects hitting me while I'm far from home and supposed to be enjoying a break and probably the most important ..... (2) eating healthily. So I've bought and packed the most healthiest food I can find. (It amazes me how scarce healthy, non/low fat, unsweeted foods are.) I found and packed sesame pretzels, plain yoghurt, dried fruits (need to watch the sugar on this though) nuts and bottles and bottles of water. Have packed no alcohol, which will certainly help with the weight. And I've read alcohol is a complete non-no with Duromine, so it's just as well.

I feel like I've somehow been thrown in the deep-end with this weekend but work has been so stressful the last couple of weeks, that I'm looking forward to getting away a bit. I will however be taking my laptop with me so if I manage to find an Internet connection, I will keep you updated.

I'd just like to post a final note of thanks to those members who read my blogs. Please do feel free to comment and I will reply. For me, this is a great way to stay motivated on track.

So to all those still fighting and hanging in there, I look forward to partaking in your journey and you joining mine :)

Have a lovely evening/ day friends! 'Till next time.



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