Day one complete on Duromine 15mg

  • Author Animals4life
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Well, what a start to the day. I managed to get up at 5am and took my tablet immediately with two glasses of water. I was pretty hungry when I woke up this morning so wasn't too sure if it would curb it much. To my surprise approximately half an hour later I could feel my hunger was no where near as intense as it had been first thing. I then ate my breakfast. After I had finished my breakfast - I was completely satisfied. (cautiously believing this duromine might actually be working)

I then took my dog for a nice walk for approximately 40 minutes of brisk walking. Enough to break out in some sweat and feel that I was working out.

Fed all of my animals (and there are a few) and finally left for work at 7.30am.

Went to work and purchased two 750ml bottles of water so I could keep refilling them through the day. I lost track of how many I drank of those but I would say 4-5 bottles. I did have a dry mouth so drinking kept that under control.

I was lucky enough to have a large burst of energy for most of the day it is only starting to wear off slightly now which is pretty good as it is 10pm New Zealand time.

I ate regularly through the day, nuts for snacks, fruit for lunch (needs to be increased particularly at lunch). Stir fry with a little rice on the side for dinner. No coke for me today - I drink far too much of it and so full of sugar - hopefully I can kick my obsession with the stuff through this process.

Finally I drove home around 4.30pm and still had enough energy so I scummed the house and washed the floors. Nice. Again a little bit more activity.

I have only had the dry mouth today and a slight feeling that my heart is beating a little faster but not to the point where it is uncomfortable. One more thing I have experienced and i don't think this is Duromine related is that I have had reflux where the base of my throat burns. It is quite uncomfortable but I figure it could also be as a result of change of diet. Any others experienced this or have any tips to keep it at bay?

I plan to weigh myself next Friday morning 24/01/14 and see what the results show. Hopefully some good things.

The only thing that makes me nervous is that somehow these pills will wear off and I will start to feel overly hungry again. If I continue as I did today, I will not have a problem sticking to my new lifestyle change. Fingers crossed!


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