Day one down... And I'm not sure it's doing anything

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So day one is down, and to be honest I don't know of it's doing anything?!? All you guys spoke about having extra energy and feeling tingly, but I've felt so tired all day, that being said I had a horrible sleep last night (think I may be getting sick).Hunger wise, I'm not sure if my hunger is actually being suppressed by the drug, or my determination to lose weight is just making me very conscious of what I'm eating. I have felt very irritated and high strung today, but again I'm not sure if that's from a lack of sleep, and the fact that I have a friends funeral to attend on Friday, so we have been organising things for that. Realistically I guess I won't know if it's done anything until I jump on the scales next week, but I would love to know whether I should be feeling anything after my first day.

Starting weight: 93 kgs
Height: 171cm
Goal: 70kgs


How are things going? Are you feeling any better?
Hi don't lose hope,people are not the same same,keep at it.Give it a month or two two.
It will take your body a while to get used to the medication and in the meantime it may make you feel a bit sick and irritated. Give it a week, and make sure you eat small regular healthy meals and drink lots of water. It sounds to me as if you have side effects and water does help. Not everyone get the energy high either. Let us know how it goes please! And remember people are on here to inspire and support one another, so shout and rant and laugh all you want;);)

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