Day One (posted a day late oopps)

  • Author tams86
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Woke up this morning with the biggest neves/excitement. After reading all the info and the bad things that could happen whilst on Duromine, I was positive after popping that pill that I would end up on the floor suggering a stroke ....

I have weighed and measured and take a before photo. Am so keen to see that after shot and see what a difference Duromine has made in my life.

My doc has started me on 15mg. In most the stories Ive read people have to set alarms to remind themselves to eat, however I still feel hungry ... just not ravenous.

I ate really well all day, I think it was just a more concious decicison that if I wanted to lose the weight that id need to change the eating which was the reason I started duromine.

I havent experianced any of the side effects yet.

I didnt work out today, today I have a double sesh planned so shall enjoy today as a "rest day".


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