Day One to the rest of my life.

  • Author Unity
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
Day one

l woke early feeling like a child on Christmas morning, wonder will it work? Will I be able to cope? Will seemed to be the start of each sentence going through my mind.
Thus making me realize I do have WILL.

So let me go back in time and tell you some about me and how I landed up been here. I am the youngest sibling of 12 children. Both my parents passed away over 20 years ago. Not one of my brothers or sister have an extra kg of fat. Then comes me... omg.... all my life I have been chubby. Always been told don't worry it is puppy fat... today I know that there is no such thing... Puppy fat uhmmmm

I am 52 years of age, I have 2 wonderful children (ok they have given me loads of stress and anger over the years, but none the less I love them and they my joy in life) 5 grandchildren. Youngest 1 year and oldest 16 years of age. they also mean the world to me and I see them often and enjoy them.
Second marriage, of 17 years, love this hubby to pieces. He never tells me I am gaining weight never makes me feel fat. He is 12 years my junior and we have a deep love and respect for each other. Amazing man really.
Well back to been a chubby child and now an even lager adult.
I once did weigh 45kg, but that was when I was 12 years of age. I am not looking to be skinny I am willing to be healthier.
I am doing this journal simply to help myself, and to bare it all. And if one day this helps just one more person I will be happy.

Back to DAY ONE...

7am : Had my D 30mg this morning with a glass of water.

I have never been one to eat breakfast, I know that this next line might have some up in arms but here goes. I had a small bowl of pronutro yup I know I shouldn't but for me it is major I ate breakfast, I used skim milk... (will be going to get a different porridge a bit later on... )

I don't drink tea or coffee so having water is no biggy for me.. I love my water over all liquids.
If possible I will be posting in here daily. I think I do need this. I need a group of people that knows what is going on.

I am thinking of putting in my SW yet right now I am hanging my head in shame... disgust and it hurts... No one looked at that scale this morning except me. But I know if I keep this to myself no one will see my achievements... goals bumps and journey.

so please, if at any time I am doing something wrong... eating incorrect or offending anyone... let me know... I have never learned or understood counting calories, carbs and whatever else there is to know... We ate, we lived...

SW 117.4kg (5/10/2015)

Don't have a goal weight as yet, just would like to be under 100kg for now.... this is my goal for now.
Will be back later to add in the rest of my meals and how today went...

Thanks for reading...
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Well day one went off well...
No headaches, really feeling full... only ate healthy products today.. and fruit..
Loads of energy.
The only thing I did notice I was sweating way more than I normally do...
Keeping a journal of my intake...
Then Bless my son, I was talking to him and asked him to no longer buy me chocies or chips... I need to loose weight I told him... I want to live... he hugged me and said he would help assist where he could..
We landed up taking a few pictures of me... another thing I always avoid is a camera...
he took the pics and said when I feel comfy about posting them he will send them to me...
I do believe I have a strong support group at home now...
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Day 2

I slept well last night, I did wake twice to go pee. But felt happy about that. My issue was I always drink loads of water and don't seem to visit the loo to equal out this...
Yesterday was a joy for me lol.

I only managed 966 Calories. How on earth does one get the rest in... I don't have headaches or pains...

I believe DUROMINE was made just for me whoot whoot...
I am a little less hungry than normal.
For years I didn't know what hungry or full was... I ate because it was there.

For breakfast today I had All Bran Flakes and 2% milk... sadly I had to add 2 teaspoons sugar or I couldn't get it down... much better than the 6 teaspoons I would have had.
I then braved myself and tried eating a grapefruit... I got half down and gagged.

I don't feel a bloated as I normally did...

Only thing that is different I woke with a runny nose and sneezing... my daughter laughed at me and reminded me it the weather... So here goes lets see what I can conquer today....

Enjoy your day...
Thanks Loz.

First two days I was really not sure about this eating plan lol
Now on day 3....
Going strong..
Great work. It is hard. You just have to keep motivated.
I like to weigh myself.. Because I see the results and it makes me want to keep going.
I'm down 5.2 kilos in 7 days.. I do know week 2 will slower.
Keep up the great work.
Thanks Loz, I do think I will weigh myself tomorrow morning..
My son has motivated me to go for walks.. so at 7am this morning he and I left home... long walk and
I felt the strain... however when I got home, I had major energy..

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3 min read
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