Day One - Wednesday, January 25th

  • Author amyliz93
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Today is the day I will start my Duromine 30mg journey.

My day starts a little differently then usual. I usually get up early and go for a walk, but my body was so exhausted, I physically couldn't wake up until 6.15am! I have my breakfast (muesli, milk & natural yogurt) around 7.30am and take my tablet then. I head off to start work and am pleased that I don't notice any side effects.

During my morning tea break, I find that I'm not really hungry, but have a small tub of yogurt (like i usually do) as I don't want to starve my body. At lunch time I head home to have lunch with my husband (I live a 2min drive from work & hubby is off work for a few months - I will explain why in a later blog). We have left over Spaghetti Bolognaise, so I serve some to Simon (hubby) and I just have some mince with salad and a dollop of natural yogurt.

By the time afternoon tea comes around, I'm still pretty full, so I don't worry about having anything to eat.

Back at home, we decide to have tacos for dinner. I made bulk mince a few days earlier, and had just enough for two tacos each. They were simple enough, two hard taco shells, lettuce mix, mince, olives, cheese & yogurt. I also had a glass of Lemon & Lime Sparkling Mineral Water, which is a fizzy drink, but I have a bottle in my fridge and I like it haha.

After dinner I take my dog out for a walk, it was lovely and cool & I'm very happy with myself that I did some exercise when I just wanted to lounge around!

Overall, I think my first day went alright! I have a Fitbit & a MyFitnessPal account, so I'll post my stats at the end of my blog each day :)

Fitbit steps: 11 563 (34 active minutes)
MFP: 5331kj consumed


Your like me today is my first day and I have no side effects expect a very dry mouth and very thirsty so I hope you get to your goal weight keep up the good effort it should be better by day 2 once your body takes it fully in I heard apparently I did 15000 steps today and I didn't even notice I thought I was lady all day but I did walk to my nans and walk around the shop but all day I was very tired and kept yarning so hopefully day 2 will be better for us

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