Day one!

  • Author Clare Brophy
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hey, So my names Clare I am 21, 171cm and 92kgs. I have OCD with food.
Today is my first day on Duromine! Pretty excited and hope it works for me.

I started off my morning with a green juice, packed full of goodness and 2 pieces of wholemeal toast. (not a big brekky eater) for my morning tea i had 2 small carrots and hand full of almonds and LOTS of water.

Feeling good. :)


Hi Claire, Im starting on Duromine 15Mgs Tomorrow ... a little nervous about the side affects -- how did you go on your first day ?
Hi NatalieDee, It was good! I started on 30mg of duromine. This week is my 4th week. I was 92.7kgs and currently weigh 87.9kgs.
I have been exercising heaps and been strict with diet (apart from occasional treat) pretty let down about how much weight I have lost. Thought it would've been more by now :(

How are you going?

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Clare Brophy
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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