Day one

  • Author Vix
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Had my pill at 630am, had a headache by 7 so ate and it went yay!
Day was good and managed to get on the treadmill for half an hour.
Drank so much water and coffee.
Breakfast I had two pieces of wholemeal toast with margarine and vegemite.
Lunch: Paul's low fat custard about three cups and 5 tablespoons of Oat Bran
Dinner: Ham omelet with parsley and egg whites (1cup) thank god for pre packed ones I wouldn't be cracking and separating! , 1 egg as my cholesterol is high!
Couldn't eat it all!
Felt a bit hungry so had more coffee
Slept well!! But woke every hour and had vivid dreams and woke up sweating like a pig!! It's winter here so that was strange!
Woke up tugging on my piercings every hour too not sure where that came from.

Lost 1.6kgs which yes would be water
But hey I'm claiming that
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