Day One

  • Author tinx
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So this morning i went to the doc and got my duromine 30mg he told me i should take one every two days to see best resaults any one else been told this ? should i ignore this and just take one a day ? im at 130 kg and im 24!!! so i need resaults and dont want to get discouraged
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Hi, when i first asked my doc for Duromine she gave me 15mg pills to start off with 1 a day for 2weeks then i was to take 2 tabs a day for the remaining of my packet, my starting weight was 92.5 kgs and 23days in i got weighed and had lost 7.5kgs. Id say do as doctor recommends to you, eat a healthy diet and get some excersize give yourself the best possible to chance for weight loss :). I am now on day 33 and taking 30mg so full of energy and definitly have a supressed appetite sometimes i forget to eat lol. Next weigh in 18th November cant wait! Wishing you all the best its a long road but results are worth it.

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