day six and bloody starving

  • Author mummajessjess
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
ohhhhh man today is day 6 and I am just so hungry!!
was fine at breaky/lunch and not to bad till about 3pm then I could have eaten my own hand....
I have been telling myself I don't need to go up to the 40's as I don't want to reley soley on the pills but its only day 6 and I don't feel like I have lost any appetite-up until now its been will power,will power that is starting to fail me....I think I will write this and go hope in the bath,anything to keep me away from the fridge...

so all in all its been a so so day but if I can get to bedtime without giving into food!!!
I go to the drs next Friday soooo 9days away and I think I may ask for the 40's just for the second month and then I might take them for the last 2 weeks of my first month then take anoter 2weeks of the 40's go back down to the 30's for 2 weeks then maybe to the 15's-oh well see how we go I haveto start living in this day instead of thinking 3 months down the track..its hard though when 3 months down the track the weight problem I have will be starting to vanish(hopefully).....argh
oh well off to have a bath and test myself!


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