Death Becomes Her (The best movie ever)

  • Author Nattynat
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi everyone,

its day 6 for me on Mr D (the new nickname for Duromine), I think it sounds more better.
I feel great today. I'm not sweating anymore and my mouth stopped being dry. I have alot of energy today. I felt confident to drive today for the first time yay.

I'm watching my fav movie, Death Becomes her, if you haven't watched it, I suggest you watch it & laugh.
It's so funny, but lets face it, we all don't mind taking a magic drink to make us more slimmer without exercising.
I wish it was that simple to lose weight.
I hate exercising & the treadmill & I don't get along, I prefer to attend the gym classes and pick up some weights :)
looking forward to the body combat class next week at the gym

Anyway guys,
Happy weight loss to you all & remember to do things that make you happy. (comedy movies always make me happy)
I'm a happy girl today.


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