Deep breath. Here we go.

  • Author jessiy
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi all, my name is jess, im 25, 178cm and from tasmania.
I have been on 30mg for 5 days now.
I feel pretty good, standard thirsty, sleep slowly improving, keep forgetting lunch.
I purchased a set of scales today, i have not weighed myself in years and i am so so afraid if getting on them in the morning. I am petrified of seeing a 3 digit number like i am sure i will.
I have struggled my whole life with my weight, by the time i was 14 i was a size 24 and weighed 124kg. I had a horrible time with it in school, kids can be horrible, and by the time i was 15 i had developed anorexia and bulimia. By the age of 16 i weighed 63kg and that is the smallest i have ever been. Unfortunately i did damage and due to health issues i gained the weight back by the time i was 19.
I then turned to the gym a pt and eating properly. I got back down to 75kgs and i looked great, my mum started calling me xena because i was so strong and i was really happy with myself.
Then came a bad relationship and my pt left the gym.
6 years and 3 abusive relationships later i find myself here, desperate to not spend another summer unable to cool off swimming with my friends and covered in a maxi dress and cardigan, looking frumpy, fat, miserable and overheating.
I am determined to do this, i just need to get on the scales in the morning and face my demons. I am so, so afraid.
Wish me luck. Xx


Good luck, Jess! I believe you can do it, you've already did the first step, so you're on your way now.
Sometimes, life can be cruel and we end up feeling sorry for ourselves and do whatever makes us a little bit happier...but no excuses now! You must do it for yourself! You must show the world how strong you are, despite all those bad experiences. So go girl and do not be afraid of anything! ;):cool:
Thank you so much Kate. I got on the scales this morning and it could have been worse. But i have my starting point now and the numbers only make me work harder.
I just wish snuggling cats burnt calories, i would be skinny by Friday!

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2 min read
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