Duromine day 1 of 100000000000000!!!

  • Author I need to do this!!!
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So day one is a date late due to a massive night out!!!

I had my duromine at 0600 and then went back to bed. I Was no hungry and didn't eat until lunch when I had some tuna and rice then for dinner I had quiche and salad.

Dry mouth is my only side affect, but headaches haven't kicked in yet so winning!!!

I was fairly sedate today in terms of exercise, I usually am on a Sunday. Tomorrow I'm off to the gym so it will make up for it !!!
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Nice work! The hardest part is making the first step! Sounds like your food is good, but id say dont skip breaky! (will keep everything flowing, ya dont wana get bound up) I get dry mouth every so often but smashing some water always helps! You might find the headaches come from 'detoxing' off certain things, ie: Sugar, Caffeine & Arti Sweeteners. Which usually pass after a couple days (personal experience) Good luck! Kick ass in the gym! Look forward to your updates!
God I just read through your thread you are doing so so well!!!

Thanks for your message, this is my second time on duromine, I've been off it for about 6 months and I didn't regard any weight in that time- I think read you were worried about weight gain after taking duromine. I didn't but I didn't lose anymore and my appetite did come back I just chose not to eat crap like I had previously done.

I look forward to reading more, ur smashing it!

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I need to do this!!!
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1 min read
Last update

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