Duromine Diaries - The Beginning

  • Author brightlight
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
Hey All,

I've been reading a lot of Duromine reviews and journals recently and felt it might be good for my weight loss and get fit journey to write about it too.

About me:

Gender: Female
Age: 25
Height: 163cm

Start weight: 70kg
Goal weight: 55kg

- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome ("PCOS")
- Childhood asthma
- Acne (worst at ages 17-23 - likely due to PCOS, as I was diagnosed with this at around 19-20)
- Gained 20kg in approx. 4years (I have managed to lose 4kg of this on my own and kept it off for the last 6months - not much I know, but it's a start)

Recent diet: A lot of carbohydrates, red meat, vegetables, moderate amount of junk food and fats, very little fruit. Don't drink enough water. Too much coffee. Too many beers on the weekend.

Current diet: A lot of fruit and vegetables, moderate lean meat and legumes, little carbohydrates and junk food / fats. Drinking 2Lt water per day. Limited coffee to one in the AM most days. 1-3 beers a week.

Work: Self employed / work from home / freelance
Home life: 1 dog, 1 boyfriend (haha)

Background info:
Around the time my periods became irregular at age 19 (my first sign of PCOS) I noticed I began putting on weight and my skin broke out severely. I was put on various contraceptive pills but found the weight kept creeping up, my skin did not improve and I had spot bleeding constantly. An ultrasound found I had PCOS and from there I was offered more contraceptive pills and sent to a dermatologist for my skin. Started on various medications for my skin, none worked very well.
I used Amoxycilin for an ear infection and found this completely cleared up my skin, although 2 weeks off the antibiotics it would come back. I was on Amoxycilin 250mg-500mg, 3 times a day on and off for approx. 6 years. It now doesn't work very well for me, yet luckily my skin has cleared up. Unfortunately, it caused weak teeth and various bowel problems - I do not recommend for a short term miracle skin cure - it doesn't exist.
My current doctor suspects that my weight gain (most of this gain has been in the last 1year or so) is due to a mix of PCOS, over use of Amoxycilin, and quite simply and realistically, a shitty diet and no exercise.
I have not been able to maintain a healthy eating and exercise routine at all. No excuses. I manage a few days here and there and give in to late night snacks and sitting on my laptop working. So, here I am, trying Duromine, trying to kickstart myself on a new track to a healthy life and slimmer, fitter body.
As an outline, my "ideal" weight is 55.1kg according to my doctor, given my height and age etc., I reached 74kg at my heaviest and am currently at 70kg.

Duromine Dosage:
- Week 1 - 15mg
- Weeks 2 + 3 - 30mg
- Week 4 - 15mg
- Week 5 - 15mg
- Weeks 6 + 7 - 30mg
- Week 8 - 15mg
- Weeks 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 - 15mg
- Beyond: Up to me to keep it up with diet and exercise!

Start date: 23rd March, 2014
End Duromine date: 15th June, 2014

Weight loss goals:
20th April: 65kg
18th May: 60kg
15th June: 55kg
(-15kg in 3 months, plan to set myself up to stay around that weight through good diet and exercise only from then on)

Will weigh myself each Sunday morning and update my progress here! If anyone has a story, tips, meal ideas, exercise ideas or comments in general, I'd love to chat with you so please comment! Good luck on your own weight loss journeys and remember it's not just a weight loss, it's a fitter and healthier you that's most important.

BL x


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