Duromine Journey

  • Author Amelia
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I am going to start with an introduction.

My name is Amelia, I am 24 years old and I live in the Northern Suburbs in Melbourne, I work fulltime, I have a boyfriend of 3.5 years we live together with our two furbabies Moss & Paris, I also suffer from something called Endometriosis (but thats for another blog).

I have always been the 'big girl' whether that meant I have always been fat is up for debate, I look back at photos of myelf 5 or 6 years ago and wish I still looked that way.. I was a party girl and that is the only reason I believe my weight ever stayed in the 80kg range. Fast forward to 2015 and I am weighing in at 118kg.

I have always overdone it with food, but my drinking and partying ways must have kept the weight off me. I have been struggling hard with my weight for the last few years and have finally convinced a doctor to let me try duromine.

I am trying to go into this with a positive head, if i go into this worried I will not have a good experience... well thats how I am trying to think of it.

Starting weight 118kg
40mg Duromine

Lets see how this goes!


Well done to you! I am Day 2 - my goal is 20 kg loss by February 1st. I will follow and support you thru this - we are all like minded and seem to have similar relationships with food!
Go Duramine! Go us!
Thankyou Leeli, i have a goal of almost 50kg to loose! Very daunting!
Yes I would feel that way too but break it up into a few small goals. I am doing it in 7kg lots!! Lol - 7 is just a lucky number for me.
One day at a time they say...
Good work, I'm going in 5kg portions. Frels achievable!

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