
  • Author fatchic
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  • Blog entry read time 4 min read
Month 5 Duromine (metermine) 40mgs-
I haven't been on in a while.. I got pneumonia, went interstate, my sons grandmother passed away and life in general has just been getting in the way- but i didn't give up, oh no! My resolve is now stronger than ever. While in Melbourne i weighed myself and discovered that though i had resumed eating carbs and even the occasional treat, wasn't really exercising (though i continued walking when i had the opportunity) and had essentially given up the goat, i had still managed to lose 2kgs. I put this down to the habits learned while on the medication i.e smaller serving sizes, drinking only water and occasionally a sugar free mother, not eating after tea as a general rule.. That was a month ago. I realized then that i could still achieve my results if i stayed strong so a fortnight ago when i could afford to resume my medication, i started again. This time around i didn't waste time whinging about finding time to fit in physical activity, i accepted that really that's just an excuse. If you want something hard enough- you make it happen. I began waking up at 4.45am so i could work out between 5 and 6am. This gave me time to shower and dress before my son woke up and i needed to get him organized for school, i have to admit, him starting school was a god send. Previously i was always anxious that i might wake him up if i woke up early and made any noise- like say breathing. Now? Screw it, he has school, getting up early wont hurt him and he might just go to bed on time ;). I also walk from his school to the local library daily (5 days a week) so i can study. It's only another 20 minutes but every little bit helps yea? I came to the realization that i was enabling myself. I can not afford to buy two shopping lists for very separate diets- the protein i need for this diet and the mixture of carb and protein for the little misters, as a result i was eating things i shouldn't have been and making excuses so i could fulfill my desires to be gluttonous. I decided that if something is hard it's probably because it's worth doing and i refrained from eating anything except the protein accompaniment to our evening meal. Some days this means that all i eat in a day is one steak or one skinless hotdog, the first week after i cracked and consumed every stinking thing i could get my hands on in my fridge i realized i would have to alter my method to be successful. Now (and for the last 3 weeks) my routine on Monday through to Thursday revolves around the a fore mentioned plan but now on Friday through to Sunday i allow myself carbs. I eat sensibly and don't go overboard, my portions are small (still eating of a tea plate) and i still avoid sugar in general. I don't exercise in a set workout on these days though i do ensure i walk for at least an hour on one day of the three but best of all i let myself sleep in :laughing: that is what bliss feels like.
I have endured alot of negativity from people, some preachy, some of whom are legitimately concerned, on my lack of calorie intake four days a week.. I have heard starvation mode this, starvation diet that, you're metabolism will explode, it's going to make you fatter.. BLAH BLAH BLAH. Sorry but i cry bullsh!t. Quite aside from the starvation diet research that was done in Minnesota in the 40's (i think it was) that proved conclusively that less food did not make the subjects gain weight or even, for that matter, fail to continue to lose weight whilst they were continuing to exercise, indeed it showed that your body will burn fat because hey look- fat = fuel, quite aside from that, have you seen a fat anorexic person? Noooooo they are skinny as a tooth pick and wasting away! Now i am NOT condoning starving ones self by any means, on the contrary i do realize my diet choice is not the healthiest and should not be utilized as a long term fix. The same research i mentioned previously also proved that a lack of food can cause depression, psychotic episodes and breakdowns as well as self harm and cannibalism- scary stuff.
Anyhooo i went to the doctor to get my script refilled today and to weigh myself because aside from in Melbourne, where i was expecting disastrous results and wanted to scope the damage, i still only weigh myself on my doctor visits. I've lost a further 10kgs, this puts me at 106kgs.. That's 28kgs i have lost in 5 months with 3 er or 4 x 1 month scripts of Duromine. I have lost 38kgs in one year. My BMI was previously 54.7 and is now 43.6- I'm not even nearly ready to give up :). For the first time in a really really long time, life is GOOD.
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