Enough is Enough!!! by for me

  • Author for me
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Utterly disappointed with myself....

Weight is a war have fought my whole life....

I allowed myself to think that i had won; how wrong i was :(

Standing on the doctors scales was like a slap in the head and it gave me the wake up call I have needed for a while now.

The last 3 years have been some of the lowest points of my life, drawing on my inner strength to emotionally cope with all the changes I faced saw me let go of the reins regarding my weight and my own health.

But today the excuses end... and the real work starts.

This day is the last time i will see 116.5kg on the scales!!!

I know I can do this and i will.. I will get back to 85kg ...
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Good luck mate. I am new here tomorrow and will start my 30mg tablets tomorrow morning. Of you want a journey buddy, private message me :) I don’t think there is a lot of activity on this forum, so we can be motivation buddies via chat
Good luck to both of you! Keep your motivation and crash your weight loss goals! Stay healthy and happy!
Welcome to the forum! My only recommendation to you for now is to stop being disapponted in yourself. This feeling often leads to depression and inability to focus on your goals. It's so much easier to stop all the "sufferings" and simply order pizza, isn't it? Especially if you are disappointed thast you, for example, didn't manage to hit the gym. In such moments, instead of making even a short training or just standing in plank. No disappointment! Acceptance! Accept that you need to work, accept that you are just a human being and can make mistakes. Accept that you make a small step back every time that you cave in. Accept and continue doing the right things. And please, please, please don't think of this weight loss thing as of something that you have to bear. Make it a new era in your life, make it a process of discovering yourself, your body needs, your body improvement and your mind improvement. It's very important to use a mindful approach, if you want to succeed.
It's just my opinion, of course. I just really want you to succeed! Looking forward to your updates!
Thanks guys...
Day 3 and all is good. its not the first time that i have used D to move the weight; so i know what im feeling is normal.
April.. im strong in the mind and when i read my blog i see how defeated i felt just days ago... ill be fine. hoping to get started at the gym after this heat wave passes as I know that movement and exercise will help me get better results :)
i appreciate your responses xx
you are the same as me sweety!
i struggle with weight loss every day.

Duromine is like walking down the street and finding Harry Potters wand,
but it doesn't work for us until we understand that it only responds to the user..

i have had the magic of the wand for years now,
but i have been unable to direct it in the way that i want it to go!

i feel sad and often want to give up,
even though i know that in the next room is the power to defeat evil.
for some reason i am unable to make my magic wand work.

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Hello! Any news on your weight loss? How do you feel?

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for me
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