Faced with Many Challenges this week & start of week 20 of my journey

  • Author shellyisme
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
my son got married last week, it was a lovely day lotsa love flowing :) I have stopped taking duromine every day last week & have not had it for the past 2 days..... I'm finding if I keep busy I dont think about food , I have felt hungry however I have stuck to my 1000 cals. I did have cake at the wedding & even a couple of glasses of champagne mmmmmmm was good ;) duromine has help me retrain my myself I prefer smaller portion sizes & actually continue to say no thank you when offered extra food :)
however I have been put through the test the week again, work farewells & I had another school reunion on Saturday night I drank water lol :eek: & stayed away from the high calorie foods, I chose to make the right choices for me & it paid off this week...
29/6/14 Start weight 110.3kg:eek:
Current weight 87.2kg:)
8/12/14 Current weight loss 23.1kg;)
Goal weight 70 kg only another 17.1kg to go yippie :p
Wishing everyone a lighter scale and a fantastic week :)
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congrats, some huge obstacles there that you overcame ALL BY YOURSELF, well done to you, strong, determined and a go getter , yup that's you !!!!!... you motivate me girl !!!! have an awesome week ahead, cannot wait to be in the 80's with you soon, guess by then u will be in the 70's hahaha .. ;)
Thanks Leigh mmmmm I cant wait to be in the 70's however I have a long way to go yet before I get there, including Xmas & the whole silly season... I will take D then just to protect myself I don't want to ruin my good work..& I don't think I'm strong enough to cope for 3 weeks of partying remember what happen when I went to Fiji a gain of 4.8kg:eek: omg was bad.... So I have decided that I will be serving low cal alcoholic drinks & food at my Xmas eve party & Xmas day Boxing Day new yrs eve & new yrs day & through out the holiday month of January 15 :)I will have a few treats around the house though I always have fancy jars of chocolates & lollies on my table ... I can resist them ;) it's the dips chips & fabulous deserts I find hard to resist:( D will help me, it has since June 29 this year ... What's your plans Leigh for coping with Xmas celebrations :)
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my word, u and I are so o nthe same page, I did not see this blog entry of yours, and on your blog I wrote more or less my plan, before I even saw you ask me this question, , hahahah ,weird as ...

Well, I have not stopped my treats in the 23 weeks, I made a very hard and strong choice, to not let go of my love for foods but to let go of my emotional, baggage that holds me too food , and I have NEVER done that before, I do not know if it is yrs of yo yo dieting or just age and wisdom that lead me to making this cross road decision 23 weeks ago or if I was just not prepared to go through anothe"r let me down" again .What ever it was, it is still working, I also believe my mindset of being patient and kind to myself, and that it is ok to have set backs as we cannot be in control 24/7 but we can strive to be, no more beating myself up about anything anymore, so far so good, there are days and weeks of mentally having to slog through my "mantras" I can do it , i am in control etc etc.. and then days and weeks of pure bliss, where it it all natural and I am unaware of it all and calm ...So xmas is a reality, so is food, and so are family members who love food, beverages, etc ,I made sure ,and will still do this after goal weight ,to keep my snack, "naught foods" {high calories }in my eating plan and calories of the day ... This way there is no mind game of , oh I "cheated" again today , or "I ate way over my calorie quota for the day " or the best one yet, " I better exercise an extra 10 minutes today because I over ate ".. NO MORE, I have come to realize most of my pressure and stress about food and eating and obsessed , is because of my attitude and the things I tell myself and then believe ...Since throwing those ways of thinking and living away , I have not had a day feeling guilty, or deprived, only making choices that I like and want and need... Yes ,So it will take me longer to lose the weight, and others will get there before me, but you know what, I am ok with that , no competition, no threats, or deadlines, only mini achievable goals for me now ,at a pace I CAN HANDLE ,mentally , physically and emotionally, SO FAR SO GOOD ...I would rather be able to control my "normal "{which was once abnormal } behaviour all of my life than just for a three month, crash diet only to gain it again, my abnormal was normal all along it just needed , patience, less calories ,more thought and loving me, to see it and conquer the battle within me..It is gr8 to read how you going to approach all your festive days ,it is making u thin,and plan ahead, willingly, love it !!!! We are in control sister ,and we going all the way, nothing will stop us now ... have a fab xmas and festivities, enjoy every mouthful and yes, you know your limits, either pick up 4.8kg and work damn hard to lose it again, or eat, and enjoy, just limit your intake ..It really is that simple ,we just like to make things complicated, haha .x
Well done Shelly.
This time of year is always a challenge. Sweets do not bother me either, it is the dips and nibbles, particularly cheese, that are my challenge. Throw in a wine or three and my self control disappears.
We can do this though. Just got to get through this next month.
I agree Leigh you have really taken control & doing what works best for you :) it a fantastic feeling ... And definately not a competition we are all on this journey together every success we achieve is because we made the right choices & we all supported each other:) thank you for being there for me my Duromine buddy x ;) have an awesome week :)
And yes Sharon your right we just have to get through the next month lol oh my goodness the bloody challenges we woman have to take on gggrrrr can be frustrating:eek:, however the rewards are totally worth it ;) have a fantastic week x
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