Finding me again!! Start at 97.5kgs. Starting Duromine

  • Author Tan
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Decided to check in here as a bit of diary of my journey. Would love to hear from others too on this weight loss journey and keep each other motivated and keen!

I'm 31 yrs old and a wife and mum to our 2 gorgeous girls aged 3 and bubs just turned the big 1!! Before falling pregnant with my first I weighed (hovered between) 70-75. My ultimate goal would be to get to 75kgs!! :) at the moment that is 20kgs away though :( at the end of my 1st pregnancy I was up close to 90 and before my daughter had turned 1, I had exercised my way back to 80, exactly! Which I was happy with although I never managed to get back into the 70s! Life happened! And we are big social peeps- always dining out with family friends, entertaining and fitting in as many holidays as possible!! Life is great!! But makes weight loss hard!! Lol last yr I had my 2nd daughter and would say I was probably about 85kgs when I fell pregnant and got up to about 95! Although I have exercised where I could this past yr I have only managed to get back to 90 and recently could tell I was 'letting it all go' got on the scales and was 97.5kgs! Devastated!!!!!!!! I'm 168cms. I Decided enough was enough and knew I needed more help than just a couple of times a wk to gym classes that I'm doing weekly.

Anyways off to dr and after blood test.. She agreed to put me on duromine 30mg for 3 months. Giving me a one month script at a time so I will go back and keep her updated and get weighed in. She suggested 10kgs weight loss in this time (so I'm aiming for 12kgs in the 3 months to take me to even numbers of 85kgs! Of course any more would be most welcomed!!!)

So wk 1 I started last wk, mon 97.5 by thur I was 95.6! Happy with that! But again life interrupted and we had from fri to this tue away (visiting my uncle in hospital in another city) I continued to take my tablet daily but obviously exercise went out the window as did 'healthy' eating although at least you don't feel like eating as much now :)

So today I'm home and it's day 10- 2nd wk into it. I'm still 95.6 so happy I didn't put on any but was kind of secretly hoping somehow a few more grams would have came off. Anyway back on it now!! Let's see what I can do!!!! Wish me luck xx

First goal 89.9!!!! ;)
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im also a mom and lost the first month 6.5 and this month another 6.5 and there a week left hoping to lose another 2. do u experience any side affects
Wow, go girl! That's fantastic!!

I get some killer headaches some afternoons but luckily that's about it for side affects.

Been on duromine for 2 weeks today! Weighed in this morning at 95.2 so 2.3kgs down in 2 wks. Wish it was more but happy for the loss all the same!
Weighed in again this morning 2 wks, 1 day lol and am 3kgs exactly down now! Scales said 94.5 this morn! Phew! Had my periods last wk so maybe that was why there looked to be very little loss but then by this morning it was another 700g down from yesterday morn. I'll take that keen to have a great 3rd wk and see what result it says next Monday now too :) better book Into the dr too for my first check in with her since being on it.
Wk 4 weigh in update- 93.9! Getting there :)
Getting towards end of wk 5 and am feeling like I'm failing and getting no where. 3 kgs loss on 30mg duromine in nearly 5 wks is terrible

I'm normally such a happy go lucky, friendly, out going person but this weight is really getting me down and out!!! I hate what I look like at the moment!! I hate my clothes and finding something to wear to go out and I've never had these feelings in my life before and it's killing me hence the reason to go to the doctors and get duromine. But have just finished my first box and still feeling disgusting and have only had a little loss. When I try to be positive I think well 3 months of 3kgs loss a month will equal nearly 10kgs and that is good (and what my doctor suggested would be the weight loss) and would have me back at 85kgs, which I know still isn't great but I can feel comfortable there...

Truthfully... I am struggling to give up drinking coke!!! I have always had it and definately can enjoy a can if not 2 a day (one at lunch, one after dinner!) I drink between 1-2lts of water a day too. I don't drink coffee or anything else. I don't eat morning or afternoon tea. I have a late breakfast of a fruit smoothie or piece of toast for breakfast after looking after the kids and dogs first before finally getting back to me. And lunch and dinner is healthy, like a chicken and salad wrap for lunch and meat and salad for dinner, no desert. being on duromine, but even before I am a busy mum and have probably got into bad eating habits (I can easily go without breakfast!) and actually think maybe I'm eating too little!! Which seems bizarre since im trying to loose weight but I'm thinking next wk I need to try eating more and using my fitness pal or something to actually track calories... And see what happens. As for the coke, I weigh in and get sad, say to myself no more coke and maybe go 2 days without before caving the next day and just having one. I Only have a few cans left and am going to tell hubby no more coke in the house but (ridiculous!) but I'm scared to do that! That's my go to thing for me!!! While I don't think my diet is 'bad' It obviously isn't great, or I wouldn't be in this position exercise is 3 gym classes a wk.

Ugh! just not feeling great this wk. Reading other people on the same dosage who are losing heaps and some saying they haven't changed eating habits and aren't exercising! Has me thinking what the? And again disappointed at my small loss!!

Anyway wanted to get this out! No one apart from my husband knows I'm on duromine and no one knows how I feel at the moment! Trying to finish positive - still have 2 whole months left on duromine! Enough timefor some more decent weight loss!! will make the changes next wk to log diet and not drink coke and see what happens. (My doctor didn't give any meal plan advice... Just basically said here they are, eat healthy!) if I can get through a wk without coke that will be a miricle and a goal in itself! God help me if I do that for a wk and still have a pitiful weight loss lol

Happy to hear from others if anyone even reads this! Think I could do with some motivation, support and helpful hints!!! X
Please don't watch at others' results! Why does everybody do that? Just focus on your plan. Believe me when I say - you are doing great! And your motivation to move forward (e.g quit drinking coke) is amazing! It will do only good for your health and body. So, relax - your loss is good personally for you, because it is better to feel fine having a smaller loss, rather than tired/exhausted/side effects, etc. with a greater loss. IMHO. :)
Thanks Kate!
Yes I'm lucky I'm feeling great on duromine with suppressed appetite but hardly any side effects.

Just for my diary entry - weigh in this wk 93.5 Slowly getting there :)
Bit more off slowly but surely. 92.9 now, can't wait to get back into the 80s and have these horrible 90s gone from the scales! Been slow weight loss numbers game for me but have still enjoyed seeing the numbers coming down!! I didn't take pictures or measure myself but I'm sure there is quite a big difference there, especially around my waist/belly :) am enjoying the gym again too :)
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92.4 this morning so 5kgs gone since starting duromine!! Still working at it and chipping away at the numbers, still wish it would be quicker but also feeling much better now I'm at lower 90s. Soon (hopefully next few days!!) will be in 91s- then 90s woo hoo and will be big motivation then to get to see the 80s start to pop up on the scales again!! I've started going running lately too as well as my gym nights. I push bub in the pram while my 3 yr old rides her bike. She's so beautiful, my little cheer leader says 'go mummy, you are doing it, you are running and doing so well'
hi hi how u doing>>>> im going slllowwwww
Hey! Latest weigh in was 91.8
Have just been back to drs after finishing 2nd box/month of tablets. She didn't say a lot/wasn't a long consult but gave me the impression she was fine/happy with me losing 5kgs in the 2 months. I told her my goal is to definitely lose 2 kgs in this month to at least get back into the 80s so I really want to make that happen!!! She also suggested I take the last lot of tablets every 2nd day to get my body used to coming off them... And will also make this last pack go for 2 months instead then as I asked if it was possible if I could have another month after this and she said they don't really do that/recommend it. She said to do every second day and maybe she would give me one more script of the lower dose of 15mg for one more month after that... I queried whether I could also 'go off' durimine for a month or two and then come back and get the script again and she seemed to say yes we could do that.... I will be happy to get into the 80s again but then need to work my way down through them too!!!
Anyway goal to lose the next couple of kgs in next month (half box of tablets) and a couple more kgs in the next month/last of the tablets and hey if I can do that it will be pretty close to 10kgs down!! Not a bad start ;)
Hope you have good results soon!!

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