Finished my first week!

  • Author Mother of One
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I just finished my first week of 30mg of Duromine! Yay
Dry mouth comes and goes, headaches are the same, I'm starting to get a shorter fuse with my son being clingy and naughty but, I am taking the times to assess everything going on and if me going off or telling him off is going to do anything except make me feel bad afterwards...
It's been a long week I haven't had a chance to do any exercise at all this week. It's been hectic. But I have been eating healthy if I do end up eating. (Although I have had a few cheat meals during the week) so I havent done too badly.
S.W; 86.5
C.W; 83.7
G.W; 63
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Well done mother of one! And good job for recognising your changing mood with your son's 'naughtiness'... kids have to be naughty sometimes - its how they learn about boundaries.. we as parents have the responsibility to react to such 'naughtiness' with respect and unserstanding... afterall.. its our behaviours that have the most effect on how children learn to behave and to mix, mingle and negotiate with others..
Happy for you for your weight loss this first week! :)
On your way to returning to be one hubba ding mumma!! :)

Blog entry information

Mother of One
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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